
Heating Systems

We service and install all brands. Rather than trying to “push” any certain brand on our customers, we believe in recommending the best product for your application; the best system for your needs. Our Estimators gather precise information on how you want to use your HVAC system and will provide a custom design to give you the most comfort.

Ask our Estimator questions! This is an important decision that will affect the comfort of you and your family, so don’t hesitate to ask questions. Clark offers FREE Estimates on replacement units so don't wait call today 916-988-1658 and get our 2021 $500 off special.

We’d love to provide you with our quality installation and service; let us know what you want and when we can make it happen!

Clark’s Advice

We primarily sell systems from Bryant/Carrier, Rheem/Ruud, and Trane. Why did we choose these manufacturers as our primary suppliers? Through our years of experience we have determined that these Manufacturers provide:
  • the best reliability in the industry
  • the best manufacturer warranties
  • the best parts availability
Your professionally trained Clark Air Conditioning and Heating technician will personally work with you to determine the best solution for your home or office. If you would like to see what air conditioning systems these manufacturers provide, please visit their online product catalog. Simply click on the name to view the available products.
For our commercial products, please visit our Commercial Products and Services Section.

Choosing a Furnace System

These days, whether you are a home owner or business owner, you search for all the value you can find in every purchase you make. So when the time comes to replace a furnace in an existing central heating system, or to install a totally new system, you want equipment that minimizes costs and delivers reliable comfort for your family or your office – season after season. Here’s a look at some things to consider.
  • What do Good Furnaces Have in Common?

    The best furnaces are efficient. They keep a home or office warm and comfortable. They provide steady, reliable performance year after year. They are quiet, long-lasting and low in service frequency and cost.

  • Which furnaces are Energy-Efficient?

    When a furnace loses or wastes heat, it requires more energy to keep your business warm. Some furnaces lose heat through the walls of the furnace cabinet. Energy-efficient furnaces significantly reduce this loss with a blanket of insulation that lines the inside of the cabinet walls. All of the manufacturers recommended by Clark Air Conditioning and Heating provide a wide range of energy efficient systems designed to meet your specific needs.

    When a gas furnace is not in operation, most send a steady, wasteful draft of warm household air traveling up the venting system and out the roof. Many of our available systems feature an induced-draft blower that works in conjunction with a hot surface ignition system to pull hot gases through the heat exchanger at a constant and controlled rate of flow. As the burner cycles off, the draft blower stops, keeping the heating air in the system.

    Pilot lights also can be wasteful. The electric ignition in many of our furnaces eliminate the need for a constantly burning pilot. This feature alone gives up to 6% higher efficiency. And in combination with an induced-draft blower, can improve furnace efficiencies by over 20%.

    Most gas furnaces vent combustion by-products and gases by allowing the warm air to rise naturally. However, on occasion, proper venting of combustion by-products may be restricted due to blockage, deterioration of venting systems, malfunctions or other causes.

    Many of our systems maintain a constant draft through the heat exchanger, which assures proper venting of the furnace combustion chamber. Some systems also features a pressure switch which continuously monitors venting; and in the event it senses a vent flow restriction, it will automatically shut down your heating system for your safety.

    The most efficient furnaces tap the energy of the hot vent gases – which can reach temperatures of 500 degrees Fahrenheit, and more. This step captures the otherwise wasted heat—using it to preheat the household air—and delivers AFUE ratings up to 94.5%

    A high-efficiency furnace generally wears a higher price tag, but it can make up the difference by reducing operating costs over the long run. And with today’s consumer interest in efficiency, such equipment enhances the bottom line of your business or helps you stretch your home budget

  • Are some furnaces better than others?

    Definitely. Features to look for include heat exchangers that resist corrosion, direct-drive blower units, induced draft blowers, pressure switches, and an insulated blower compartment, which helps minimize operating noise.

    You also should ask your technician if the manufacturer of the brand you’re considering quality-checks and tests every unit before it leaves the plant.

    And be sure to check out the terms of the Limited Warranty. Quality manufacturers put a convincing warranty behind their work. Clark Heating and Air Conditioning works with manufacturers who provide the very best warranties and back those warranties with exceptional service and support.

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